Crossing the starting line

Well it’s about time.

I’ve been itching to convert many of Coach Kev’s email/newsletter missives into blog form for over a year now. How many times have you skimmed the articles/advice as they pass through your inbox, trying to speed-file all the good bits into your memory vaults, only to find you can’t access them when you either need them, or have more time to peruse what interests you? (What was the title of that book he recommended? How much time do I add when my long run is 100% on snow? Didn’t he send a motivational youtube link at one point that I meant to watch some day?)

Unless you are more of an email management wizard than I am – and it’s entirely likely that you are – there is NO WAY to get these bits & pieces back when I want them. Until now. I’m taking the gems, potentially adding a few of my own thoughts from time to time, and I’m tagging it all so we can look it up again when we want it!

I have a feeling some of you Dynamos (rookie or veteran) will find this a useful repository too, and I fully hope to see your comments & responses start to trickle in. Let me know if you remember a subject Kev has covered in the past that you want me to dig up.

It’s the start of a new year, the start of a new training season, and really, it’s the start of the first real winter we’ve had in a while. What better time to start the Marathon Dynamics blog? And what better subject to cover in the second post than your new best friend – the treadmill.

Stay tuned!
